Have an upcoming show at The Bottleneck? Here’s a few tips to promote your show at The Bottleneck:
Band posters are essential for promoting your show at The Bottleneck. On your poster include:
Step 1 – Create poster with the above information. If you are making it “old school” then don’t forget to create a digital file by scanning the finished product into a PDF or JPEG.
Step 2 – Print posters. Lots of posters.
Step 3 – Put the posters around town on public bulletin boards. Share the PDF on Facebook and Twitter and what not.
Make 4″ by 6″ handbills (Hint: just shrink your poster to fit 4 times onto a sheet of paper, cut 4 ways) and give them to people at concerts. Ask your friends to help put up posters and hand out handbills. Word of mouth is your best friend. (Besides the friends that are helping you hand out handbills. Keep those folks around).
Be a fan/friend/follower of The Bottleneck on Facebook and Twitter; make an event; post videos; share your poster; invite and share and post and talk and tweet!
Share on Facebook and Twitter, ask friends and fans to share as well. Be creative. Be short and sweet. Be Viral. Check out this example.
Bottleneck logo – high res logo
Organize an on-air recording or interview.
KJHK – KU student radio station
KKFI – community radio in Kansas City. In particular, Val Baul is a great resource.
The Lawrence Times – an independent online news publication in Lawrence, KS
iHeartLocalMusic.com – independent local music blog
The University Daily Kansan – KU student newspaper
Ink Magazine – Kansas City news & entertainment
The Pitch – Kansas City news & entertainment
Lawrence.com & LJWorld.com – Lawrence news & entertainment
Hosted by Jacki Becker and Allan Murin. After trivia, Karaoke Jones will keep the fun going! Sing some of Andy's favorite songs together. Proceeds benefit Lawrence Public Schools' School Nutritional Meal Support Fund.